A.G.E.T.A. (Age Thru Action) Seniors'
Minister/Director of Christian Education
TECH 4 Christ
TECH 4 Christ
[Matthew 28:19-20; Corinthians 9:22-23]
Function: The TECH 4 Christ Ministry is responsible for transmitting the Good News of Jesus Christ through the social media network of technology.
Ministry Profile:
Ministry is provided to the Church and community through social media and cyberspace.
Accountable to the Pastor and/or Executive Minister.
Ministry target is the Church and community in general.
Ministry position is volunteer.
Spiritual gifts needed to perform this ministry are administration, service, helps, knowledge, and encouragement.
Familiarity with computer literacy, organizational skills, detail oriented, and technological skill swill aid in the performance of this ministry task.
Anticipated time commitments for this ministry are 2-3 days a week for a minimum of three hours while undertaking assigned tasks.
Ministry Responsibilities:
Train all volunteers in the proficiency of computer literacy and other technological skills.
Prepare all forms of social media for the Church including its composition, upkeep, presentation, and publications.
Use computer software/equipment to prepare community correspondences via social media.
Update, v1a training or technological advances, all social media practices of the Church and provide said training to ministry volunteers and discipleship of the Church.
When applicable, provide budget to maintain operation of the social media for the Church.