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A.G.E.T.A. (Age Thru Action) Seniors'




Building and Grounds Team












Minister/Director of Christian Education


Ministerial Team




New Disciples' Orientation


Praise Dancers'


Prose & Poetry






TECH 4 Christ









[Luke 14:21b - 23]

Function: The Transportation Ministry is responsible for transporting the membership of the Church and/or community to specific areas of service and/or Church ministries for the purpose of evangelizing and promoting fellowship.


Ministry Profile:

  1. Children must be seated in compliance with all Virginia state regulations.

  2. No transportation of vehicles without completed forms.

  3. Transportation ministry responsible for obtaining directions/travel  information.

  4. Drivers will plan 'rest' stops on all travels exceeding a travel time of one hour (rest stop can include restroom breaks and/or refreshments).

  5. No driver will be scheduled for consecutive  driving unless "extenuating" circumstances warrant such. *Only upon approval of Director of Transportation and Trustees.

  6. Men's Ministry of the Church shall serve as volunteers to this ministry along  with other disciples of the Church. *In the absence of a Director of Transportation, the Director of the Men's Ministry shall serve until a director is acquired. Men's Ministry shall divide the responsibilities of the Transportation Ministry into the  following:    

             a)  A committee to provide maintenance  of Church vehicles (cleanliness,
                   general maintenance, general upkeep).                   

             b)  A committee to provide driver assistance on all scheduled operations of                     Church vehicles.
              c)  A committee to provide training of  the operation of Church's vehicles.
              d)  A committee to provide drivers of the Church's vehicles.



Ministry Responsibilities:

  1. Maintain a schedule of available drivers for designated events/services.

  2. Provide a driving record in compliance with TBC's liability requirements.

  3. Drivers for the coach must possess CDL permit (training available).

  4. Maintain upkeep of Church vehicles and report any repairs/service to Building and Grounds Team immediately .

  5. Assists passengers on and off vehicles.

  6. Ensure passengers adhere to all laws and regulations (state, federal, & policies of TBC).

  7. Meet on a regular basis for staff updates/schedules/changes.[*monthly].

  8. Keep an accurate log of all driving activities.

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